
Students for Global Peacebuilding (SGP) promotes citizen education, action, and research about peacebuilding initiatives around the world.  It engages communities on and off campus to enhance the role of citizen peacebuilding locally and globally. It conducts training workshops and organizes service learning opportunities where there is a need for peacebuilding.
Who We Are:
SGP is a student club affiliated with UCI’s Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, and works in partnership with International Studies, the Office of Civic and Community Engagement, Student Affairs, and other student organizations. We invite all students to join us from every background and academic program.
What We Do:
  • Educate members and others about issues in communities experiencing conflict, about the theories and practices of dispute resolution, nonviolent action, and citizen peacebuilding.  
  • Engage in service learning in communities and organizations that have peacebuilding initiatives.
  • Share with the campus and off campus community what we learn.
  • Organize at UCI with the Center for Citizen Peacebuilding an annual Peace Week and Peace in Action Summit
  • Conduct training workshops in conflict resolution, nonviolent action, interfaith and other types of dialogue, civic and community engagement
  • Facilitate periodically Open Forums of the UCI campus community
  • Provide resources on service learning and career opportunities in peacebuilding
  • Publicize the Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, Olive Tree Initiative, International Studies, Minor in Conflict Resolution, Minor in Civic and Community Engagement, Certificate in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Certificate in Mediation, and Global Leadership Certificate.
Service Learning
  • Emphasis is on working with organizations that focus on dispute resolution, nonviolent action, gang intervention, and other types of peacebuilding in their communities. The main focus will be on citizen efforts at peacebuilding.  Destinations will be to communities where faculty and graduate students conduct research and can mentor students.